1 de dezembro de 2015

Aprender a programar a jogar nos smartphones e tablets "hour of code"

Aprender a programar a jogar nos smartphones e tablets "hour of code"

The foos  ---> Android     IOS

Lightbot  ---> Andoid     IOS

Fixthefactory  ---> Android    IOS

Kodable --->  Android     IOS

Box Island--->  Android     IOS

Bit by Bit - Programming Game --->  Android     IOS

e muitos mais 

Are you thinking of teaching an Hour of CodeMonkey? Think no more!
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Get Creative!
Let your students express themselves with our Challenge Builder! Students will be able to build their own CodeMonkey challenges using the new skills they just learned.
Share it!
Done creating challenges? Share it with your class! Students can solve each other's challenges while practicing what they learned. 

Hour of Code + Code week + Coding Feast

Temos participado ao longo dos anos em vários eventos de código  É algo que os alunos de todas as idades adoram Hour of Code ...